Presentation Instruction
Instruction for Presentation at ICRA 2024
The time, date, and location of your presentation will be available soon on the InfoVaya Platform, which is being used for the conference app.
Your Presentation
Your presentation will be 10 minutes long, including Q&A. We recommend allowing 7 minutes for your presentation and 3 minutes for Q&A.
There is a screen and the LCD projector which has a HDMI input for image and sound in any presentation room. Please bring and connect own laptop computer to the LCD projector for your presentation. Your presentation will be streamed on the Zoom to online attendees who have registered as the online participant.
Speaker Preview Room
Please make sure your computer is connected to the LCD projector in the speaker preview room which is located in the Sakura Lounge on the second floor of the conference center, CC.
Technical session rooms are also available throughout the day and you can check your presentation in advance at the venue.
Speaker Preview Room Opening Hours
Monday 13th May – 15:00-18:00
Tuesday 14th May – 08:30-18:00
Wednesday 15th May – 08:30-18:00
Thursday 16th May – 08:30-16:30
Onsite Presentation
All presenters should be in the room of their presentation at least 10 minutes before the start of the session. On arrival, please make yourself known to one of ICRA2024 volunteers. They will introduce you to the session chair and inform you of any last-minute instructions.
Seating will be reserved for all presenters in the front row, please sit in this area to avoid any delays between presentations.
There will be a fixed microphone and a HDMI connecter located on the lectern. You should use an own computer to present connecting to LCD projector.
We recommend allowing 7 minutes for your presentation and 3 minutes for Q&A. The Session chair will monitor the time and will moderate the Q&A.
Please show consideration for your fellow presenters by keeping to your allocated time slot. The chair will inform you if you exceed this and interrupt any presentations that overrun.

Presentation Streaming
Your presentation will be streamed on the Zoom to virtual attendees who have registered as online participation. If you have any questions about this, please contact
Online Presentation
All online presenters are recommended to attend live Q&A session. If you are willing to attend online, please leave a comment through Infovaya to inform the session chairs of your online attendance at least one day before your presentation. Please enter the Zoom meeting at least 15 minutes before your session. When logging-in, please change your name to “No.x-Your name” with “x” indicating your presentation number to let the volunteers and chairs notice your appearance. They will introduce you to the session chair and inform you of any last-minute instructions online.
Instead of giving an oral presentation with your own slides, a pre-uploaded 7-minute video is played as your oral presentation. Presenters are asked to wait for the video to finish and then answer questions from the audience online in real time. Keep in mind that you will only have 3 minutes for Q&A.
If you have difficulty to make real-time Q&A session due to the time zone, we would like to suggest off-line Q&A session using the Infovaya.